“What options do I have to support Clean North financially?“
You can:
- Make a financial donation without becoming a member
- Sign up for a Clean North membership
- Sign up for a membership and top up the membership fee with a donation
To donate or become a member now, click this link or the Donate Now button below.
If you are not comfortable with online forms, you can print the form at the bottom of this page and mail it to us with a cheque or drop the form/cheque through our mail slot at 736 Queen St E., Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario).
What does being a member entail?
It’s really up to you. You will be added to our monthly e-newsletter distribution list and be kept up to date on our events, local environmental news/issues, and opportunities to volunteer. You are welcome but not required to attend our monthly meetings (held at 7 pm on the first Tuesday of each month via Zoom).
“Is Clean North a registered charity?”
Indeed we are! Monetary donations are eligible for an official receipt recognized by Canada Revenue (www.cra.gc.ca/charities, Registration #130567456RR0001).
Questions? Contact us at info@cleannorth.org, (705)945-1573.
Did you know…? All our activities are funded through memberships and donations from people like you. And all donations go back into operations here in the Sault/Algoma.
Clean North Membership/Donation Form
Yes! I want to invest in a cleaner, healthier future for me, my family, and my community.
Prefer to pay with a credit card? Please use our online form.
Type: ☐ New membership ☐ Renewing membership ☐ Donation only
Date: _________________________________________________________
☐ Individual membership: $20 (minimum; you may donate more)
☐ Family membership (2+ people at same address): $30 (minimum; you may donate more)
☐ Other donation: Amount: $__________
Cheque enclosed for: $__________. Please make payable to Clean North.
Mailing address______________________________________________________________
City_________________________________ Prov_______ Postal code_________________
Email address______________________________________________
Primary phone number___________________
If family membership, please provide names/email addresses for other family members:
Name________________________________ Email address________________________
Name________________________________ Email address________________________
Mail/drop off form and cheque: Clean North, 736-A Queen Street E, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2A9. Receipts will be issued for amounts over $20 (Charity Reg. #130567456RR0001, www.cra.gc.ca/charities).
THANK YOU! Every dollar helps!
Like to build things? Good at project management? Want to meet other people who care about a clean Sault? We are always looking for people to help us with local projects: building bat houses, organizing events, tree chipping, mulch distributing, planting trees, picking up litter, and more. Invest a few hours or many….It’s up to you!
Please visit our Volunteer page, where you will find more about our volunteer opportunities and a link to our volunteer application.
Questions? Contact us at info@cleannorth.org, (705)945-1573.