Clean North will give away Christmas tree mulch from 9 am to noon on Saturday, May 25, 2024. The pickup location is at the George Leach Centre at Algoma University. This mulch is made up of chipped conifer trees we collected last Christmas.
What should I know to get mulch?
- Mulch is free but we accept donations to help offset our costs and fund programs. Place donations in the green metal donation drop box that will be on site at the mulch event or donate through the Clean North page (www.cleannorth.org).
- BYO bins and a pitchfork (best for moving mulch) or a shovel.
- To avoid having to lift heavy bins, consider lining your trunk/back of your vehicle with a tarp and shovel mulch onto that.
- When you arrive, wait in line in your vehicle till you are waved ahead. You must be in line by noon to get mulch.
- Please fill bins/back of your vehicle as quickly as possible (15 mins max if people are waiting).
- We will have volunteers available if you need help shovelling and/or lifting.
Why get mulch?
Mulch helps suppress weeds, conserve soil moisture, keep plant roots cool in summer heat, and reduce erosion in your yard and garden beds. You can also spread it around the stems of trees and shrubs to provide a buffer from mowers and weed trimmers. Many a young tree has died because its stem was repeatedly nicked by lawn tools! And finally, mulch can improve the look of your garden beds and pathways.
Two mulching tips
- Avoid piling mulch right up against plant stems as that can foster disease. Give plants a few inches of breathing room. Think mulch doughnut rather than volcano.
- Avoid applying mulch more than 4 inches deep. Mulching deeper may cause issues like suffocating roots, reducing moisture getting to roots, and providing inviting habitat for rodents.
Interested in other Clean North products such as rain barrels?
Email us at info@cleannorth.org.