The City of Sault Ste. Marie wants you to trash-talk! They have completed a waste management environmental assessment for a big new proposed project: Expanding the city landfill by about 50%. And they want you to comment! This is your last opportunity to have your say before the city issues a tender for construction. Providing input on projects that could have a big impact on the environment is an important role for city residents.
What is an environmental assessment or EA?
An EA is a process to identify, predict, and evaluate the potential environmental effects of a proposed project. To reduce the risk of new projects harming the environment, EAs happen before the project is given the green light.
Why expand the city landfill?
The current landfill at 402 Fifth Line East is expected to be full by 2027. So it was either build a new landfill (a much more daunting and expensive prospect) or expand the existing one.
The service area will be the same as the existing landfill: City of Sault Ste. Marie, Prince Township, and Batchewana First Nation’s Rankin Reserve. Expanding should give this landfill another 25 years of use.
A green benefit!
FYI, this expansion will not just provide more landfill space but also give us the ability to separate out our kitchen waste (like fruit/veggie scraps). Biosolids (sewage sludge) will be diverted as well. The landfill will also continue to divert wood, yard, and hazardous waste.
Where to learn more and how to comment
The city has produced a final environmental assessment report for this project, which you can view here. The last day to submit comments is March 2, 2024. The report explains the decision-making process, results of the studies, and input received through consultation. It also includes details of the landfill expansion (including proposed landfill mining within the existing site), potential impacts to the environment, and a commitment to reduce these impacts and continue enhancing waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.
If you have thoughts to share, send your comments in writing and/or by fax to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks by March 1, 2024, directed to:
Devon Wills, Project Officer
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Environmental Approvals Branch
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 1st Floor
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5
Tel: 416-270-4457 /1-800-461-6290
Fax: 416-314-8452
Read more at https://saultstemarie.ca/Newsroom/December-2023/Notice-of-Submission-of-Environmental-Assessment.aspx.
Did you know…?
In 1999, Sault Ste. Marie’s residential waste diversion rate was a paltry 9%. It’s now about 35%. It’s great that we’ve been improving, but we could be doing much better. Visit Clean North’s Where to Recycle/Donate Stuff page.