Bring us your cut natural Christmas tree, and we’ll chip it into garden mulch! We will also be collecting:
- Gently used books, magazines, music CDs/cassettes, and DVD/VHS movies/TV series for Friends of the SSM Public Library
- Blankets and towels for the Humane Society
Where, when and how?
The collection depot will be in the northwest corner of the Cambrian Mall parking lot (next to Propane Plus). Drop off your tree, books, blankets, etc. any time between December 26 and January 11. If you need help unloading your tree, come during afternoon hours January 1-11 as that’s when we will have volunteers on site.
Need help getting your tree to the depot? Just Junk to the rescue! On Saturday, January 4, they will transport trees from people’s homes to Cambrian Mall for free. Book an appointment.
We will chip the trees into mulch early in the morning of Sunday, January 12. The mulch will be given away free by donation next spring. The best way to find out when this event will happen is by getting on our e-newsletter distribution list (email info@cleannorth.org).
FYI we do not collect styrofoam (no longer locally recyclable) or cardboard or wrapping paper. The latter can go in your recycling bin—but throw away wrapping paper embossed with foil or plastic.
Feeling claustrophobic after Christmas and want to get rid of more stuff?
Check out our where to recycle/donate page.
Got questions?
Email us at info@cleannorth.org.
Want to help us collect trees?
Complete a volunteer application here. Already completed this application? Email us at info@cleannorth.org.