How are Saultites recycling wrong??? Clean North volunteers Josh Fillion and Abby Obenchain share all with Tim Murphy on recent episode of Mornings With Lou-Anne and Tim! They covered how too many people are sticking non-recyclable plastics into the recycling bin, along with caps and dirty containers. The city accepts only bottles marked #1 and #2…no margarine, yogurt, or other plastic cups, no clear plastic clamshell containers, and recycled items must be clean…so no peanut butter jars still coated with the sticky stuff on the inside.
They also touched on the virtues of recycling paper and cardboard. Dirty paper/cardboard, such as pizza boxes encrusted with cheese, cannot be recycled. But you can scrape the food off, cut the box into small pieces, and compost it.
To learn more, watch the video below (move the slide to 48:20). Or check out our previous post on how to recycle properly.