It’s true! The health benefits of de-cluttering your home are well documented. You can live a healthier, more fulfilling life if you can find things and move around your home easily. Stuff weighs us down, takes time to manage, keeps us from human relationships, and can even interfere with our ability to exercise and eat healthy.
Unfortunately, too many of us are drowning in stuff. Manufacturers are very clever at convincing us we need more stuff, newer stuff, better stuff, the latest models! And our mental and physical well-being may be suffering as a result.
Consider assessing your stuff situation. If you feel like your life is more cluttered than it needs to be, consider paring down. The Marie Kondo approach has gone viral and is a great way to slim your digs! Check out her videos on Youtube and her series on Netflix.
Marie recommends picking up each item and asking yourself if it sparks joy. If not…OUT.
Similarly, renowned British designer and social activist William Morris said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
Donate items that do not spark joy to a thrift store or charitable organization. Just get it out! Many people find that having a house that contains only items that spark joy feels amazing.
And then…and this is really important…resolve to stop buying things you don’t really need, and when you can, buy used. The less you buy, and the less new things you buy, the less new stuff is added to the world, and the fewer greenhouses gases are emitted.
Want to know more where to recycle in the Sault? Visit our recycling page.